Introduction For Fat Binder

Fat binder is common to be heard in slimming pill industry, it is one of the nature in the pill that can help you lose weight. The concept of fat binder or fat blocker is to obstruct the fat from being absorbed into your body hoping that it would make an improvement in your weight. Although the idea is simple as that the truth is far from perfect. Fat binder will be known in a slimming pill called Xenical, a doctor prescribed drug made from component called Orlistat. Xenical work effective in binding the fat but xenical isn't only famous for it's effectiveness but also for its side impact. Xenical has its own various unwanted side effect such as: Abdominal discomfort, pain, tiredness, dizziness, back pain, panic, muscle pain and several other. The second famous excess fat binder pill is Alli, the same Orlistat centered ingredient like Xenical but with lower dose. Alli is famous because it is the first and only FDA approved drug for more than the counter diet pill. it offer...